Max leads biometrology research at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory. He is also a visiting Professor at King’s College London and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Royal Society of Biology. Max has authored over 100 high-impact publications and international patents, two books (Bionanodesign, 2009, with its second edition out in 2018), and is a co-editor of two RSC book series – Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins and Synthetic Biology. His research aims at providing translational metrology for antimicrobial, cell and regenerative therapies as well as engineering biology, whilst his work continues promoting science beyond the bench and is regularly covered in industry-oriented magazines and by the mainstream media. Max has founded and chairs a technical working area for synthetic biomaterials in VAMAS, which provides leadership in international standardization activities to support the uptake of SynBio innovations to industry.